information card of GUSTAVO
in adoption- Name GUSTAVO
- Type Dog
- Since 26-10-2019
- Sex Male
- Age 6 years and 11 months
- Date of birth 10/2017
- Breed Mestizo de American Stafford
- Size Big
- Height 64 cm alto / 53 cm largo
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 2861
Gustavo es un perro muy inteligente y bueno. Este juguetón comparte jaula con Kira. Su pasión es correr y jugar durante todo el dia. Es muy muy listo y tiene alma de cachorro. Nunca ha hecho un mal gesto desde su llegada a la protectora. Con correa pasea bien aunque tira un poco, pero es por que tiene mucha energía!
¡Ven a conocerlo y a pasear un rato con el!
Gustavo is a very intelligent and good dog. This playful man shares a cage with Kira. His passion is running and playing all day long. He is very very clever and has a puppy soul. He has never made a bad gesture since his arrival at the protector. On a leash he walks well although he pulls a little, but it is because he has a lot of energy!
Come meet him and have a walk with him!
¡Ven a conocerlo y a pasear un rato con el!
Gustavo is a very intelligent and good dog. This playful man shares a cage with Kira. His passion is running and playing all day long. He is very very clever and has a puppy soul. He has never made a bad gesture since his arrival at the protector. On a leash he walks well although he pulls a little, but it is because he has a lot of energy!
Come meet him and have a walk with him!
Vacunado y desparasitado Vaccinated and dewormedPara adopción:
Se entregan con contrato de adopción y seguimiento.