Adoption of: LIMON
Adopted! on
17-3-2023 by
en Alemania
- Name LIMON
- Type Dog
- Since 2-2-2023
- Sex Male
- Age 3 years and 8 months
- Date of birth 6/2021
- Breed BRETON
- Size Medium-size
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3301
Perro muy noble y alegre perfecto para una familia. Se lleva bien con hembras y machos.
Viene con Canela, tenemos indicios de que han estado viviendo en una jaula.
Very noble and cheerful dog perfect for a family. He gets along well with males and females.
He arrived with Canela, we have indications that they have been living together.
Viene con Canela, tenemos indicios de que han estado viviendo en una jaula.
Very noble and cheerful dog perfect for a family. He gets along well with males and females.
He arrived with Canela, we have indications that they have been living together.