Adoption of: CHICA
Adopted! on
15-9-2023 by
en Alemania
- Name CHICA
- Type Dog
- Since 1-2-2023
- Sex Female
- Age 3 years and 7 months
- Date of birth 2/2021
- Breed Mestiza / Mixed Breed
- Size Medium-size
- Height 50cm
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3304
Cuando entró tenía mucho miedo pero ahora es una perrita muy buena y cariñosa. Se lleva bien con machos y hembras.
When she arrived she was very nervous, but she's much better now and is good with males and females.
When she arrived she was very nervous, but she's much better now and is good with males and females.
Vacunado.- Anexos