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Adoption of: WANDA

Adopted! on 19-7-2023 by Particular
  • Name WANDA
  • Type Dog
  • Since 8-3-2021
  • Sex Female 
  • Age 10 years and 1 month 
  • Date of birth 3/2014 
  • Breed Mestiza Pastor Aleman 
  • Size Medium-size 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3334 


Wanda llego con una cadena al cuello, sospechamos que vivia permanentemente atada. Pese a su edad es muy muy activa, parece una cachorrona. Como casi todos los pastores alemanes es bastante nerviosa. Ladra un poco a los otros perros pero aun no la hemos probado formalmente. Se nota que ha vivido sola y atada. Con nosotros es una perrita cariñosa a la que le encanta salir a pasear que le acaricien y le den chuches. Bien con gatos.

Wanda arrived with a chain around her neck, we suspect that she lived permanently tied up. Despite her age, she is very very active, she looks like a puppy. Like almost all German Shepherds she is quite nervous. She does bark a bit at the other dogs but we haven't formally tested her yet. She shows that she has lived alone and tied up. She with us she is an affectionate dog who loves to go for a walk to be caressed and given sweets. Good with cats.


Vacunado, desparasitado. Todos los perros salen del centro castrados.  

Contact via WANDA

Contact request for WANDA

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