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Adoption of: MANOLO

Adopted! on 12-4-2024 by -En Orihuela-
  • Name MANOLO
  • Type Dog
  • Since 8-8-2023
  • Sex Male 
  • Age 2 years and 1 month 
  • Date of birth 8/2022 
  • Breed Mestizo Pastor Aleman 
  • Size Big 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3381 


Lo encontró una mujer que iba paseando a sus perros; dos perros grandes machos adultos con los que se puso en seguida a jugar y se llevan bien. Una vecina le dijo que llevaba varios días solo deambulando por la zona. La persona que lo encontró lo trajo al centro, pero se lo ha quedado en acogida temporal. Nos irá informando de su carácter, pero por el momento se ha visto que es apto con otros perros y con los gatos parece que también, porque solo quiere jugar con ellos.

Es un perro joven y muy noble. Ha aparecido muy delgado pero parece sano y que solo necesita una buena . En septiembre se castrará y se terminará de preparar para ser entregado en adopción. Apto con perros y gatos. Muy bueno.

Manolo was found by a woman who was walking her dogs; two large adult male dogs that she immediately started playing with and they get along well. A neighbor told her that she had been wandering the area alone for several days. The person who found him brought him to the centre, but she has kept him in temporary foster care for the moment. She will inform us of his character, but for the moment we can see that he is suitable with other dogs and it seems that he is also suitable with cats, because he only wants to play with them.

He is a young and very noble dog. He has appeared very thin but seems healthy and just needs a good home In September he will be neutered and will finish preparing to be given up for adoption.
Suitable for dogs and cats. Very good.


Vacunado y Desparasitado. Ya está castrado. He is already castrated. Vaccinated and Dewormed.  

Contact via MANOLO

Contact request for MANOLO

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