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Adoption of: Mela

Adopted! on 17-9-2024 by -En Orihuela-
  • Name Mela
  • Type Dog
  • Since 20-7-2024
  • Sex Female 
  • Age 2 years and 2 months 
  • Date of birth 7/2022 
  • Breed Fox Terrier 
  • Size Small 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3533 


Llegó al albergue junto a su hijo kali, se colaron en una casa y nos avisaros para ir a recogerlos.
Es una perrita muy buena y tranquila, apta con machos y hembras, y muy limpia en la jaula.

She arrived at the shelter with her son Kali. They snuck into a house and we were told to go pick them up.
She is a very good and calm dog, suitable with males and females, and very clean in the cage.


Vacunada y desparasitada Vaccinated and dewormed 

Contact via Mela

Contact request for Mela

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