Ficha de LISA
en adopción- Nombre LISA
- Clase Perro
- Desde 24-10-2024
- Sexo Hembra
- Edad 2 años y 3 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 10/2022
- Raza Mestiza / Mixed Breed
- Tamaño Mediano
- Localidad Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3597
Nos dieron el aviso de una perra en la general que podría ser atropellada, cuando llegamos estaba asustada y nos costó un poco cogerla.
Cuando llegó al albergue y la revisamos llevaba fracturada la pata derecha delantera.
Desde que entro ha estado en reposo en un jaulon, ya que se intervino de una fractura de húmero derecho y se a tenido que reintervenir para poner un fijador externo ya que no se estaba curando como debía.
Lisa es una perra extremadamente demandante de ñas personas, muy cariñosa y sumisa con nosotros. Apta con machos y hembras, compartía jaulón con rosalia.
Ahora mismo se encuentra en acogida
We were notified of a dog on the main road that could be run over. When we arrived she was scared and it was a bit difficult to catch her.
When she arrived at the shelter and we checked her, her right front leg was fractured.
Since she arrived she has been resting in a cage, since she had surgery for a fracture of the right humerus and had to undergo another operation to put an external fixator on since it was not healing as it should.
Lisa is a dog that is extremely demanding of people, very affectionate and submissive with us. Suitable with males and females, she shared a cage with Rosalia.
Right now she is in foster care.
Cuando llegó al albergue y la revisamos llevaba fracturada la pata derecha delantera.
Desde que entro ha estado en reposo en un jaulon, ya que se intervino de una fractura de húmero derecho y se a tenido que reintervenir para poner un fijador externo ya que no se estaba curando como debía.
Lisa es una perra extremadamente demandante de ñas personas, muy cariñosa y sumisa con nosotros. Apta con machos y hembras, compartía jaulón con rosalia.
Ahora mismo se encuentra en acogida
We were notified of a dog on the main road that could be run over. When we arrived she was scared and it was a bit difficult to catch her.
When she arrived at the shelter and we checked her, her right front leg was fractured.
Since she arrived she has been resting in a cage, since she had surgery for a fracture of the right humerus and had to undergo another operation to put an external fixator on since it was not healing as it should.
Lisa is a dog that is extremely demanding of people, very affectionate and submissive with us. Suitable with males and females, she shared a cage with Rosalia.
Right now she is in foster care.
Vacunada, desparasitada y esterilizada Todos los perros adultos salen esterilizados del centro.Para adopción:
Se entregan con contrato de adopción y seguimiento.