information card of CLARIN
in adoption- Name CLARIN
- Type Dog
- Since 30-1-2019
- Sex Male
- Age 11 years and 8 months
- Date of birth 12/2012
- Breed Mestiza / Mixed Breed
- Size Big
- Height 65 cm alto / 59 cm largo
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 2693
Clarin fue encontrado en la calle. Es un perro muy juguetón y activo, cuando lo vas a volver a meter en su jaula le gusta vacilarte para no entrar.
Clarin was found on the street. He is a very playful and active dog, when you go to put him back in his cage he likes to hesitate so as not to enter.
Clarin was found on the street. He is a very playful and active dog, when you go to put him back in his cage he likes to hesitate so as not to enter.
Desparasitado y vacunado Dewormed and vaccinatedPara adopción:
Se entregan con contrato de adopción y seguimiento.