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information card of TORMENTA

in adoption
  • Type Dog
  • Since 28-10-2019
  • Sex Female 
  • Age 6 years and 2 months 
  • Date of birth 2/2018 
  • Breed Mestiza / Mixed Breed 
  • Size Medium-size 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 2915 


Tormenta llegó junto a su hermano Trueno al albergue. Se habían criado en la calle sin contacto ninguno con la gente.
Ahora se pone muy contenta cuando te acercas a su jaula con la correa y sabe que va a salir contigo a dar un buen paseo.
No tiene problema con otros perros, ni con machos ni hembras, que no sean dominantes.
Ha compartido la jaula con varios y actualmente sale al patio en una manada de seis perros.
Empieza a ser sociable con la gente aunque sigue teniendo algo de miedo con los que no conoce y al principio les ladra un poco pero enseguida se le pasa.

Tormenta arrived with her brother Thunder at the shelter. They had grown up on the streets without any contact with people. That's all changed!
She now gets very happy when you approach her cage with the leash and she knows that she is going to go out with you for a good walk.
She has no problem with other dogs, neither males nor females, that are not dominant.
She has shared the cage with several and currently she goes out into the yard in a pack of six dogs.
She begins to be sociable with people although she still has some fear of those she doesn't know and at first she barks at them a little but she soon gets over it.


Vacunado y desparasitado Vaccinated and dewormed  

Para adopción:


Se entregan con contrato de adopción y seguimiento.

Contact via TORMENTA

Contact request for TORMENTA

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