Ficha de TRUENO
en adopción- Nombre TRUENO
- Clase Perro
- Desde 28-10-2019
- Sexo Macho
- Edad 6 años y 10 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 2/2018
- Raza Mestizo / Mixed Breed
- Tamaño Mediano
- Localidad Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 2916
Trueno llegó junto a su hermana Tormenta al albergue. Se habían criado en la calle sin contacto ninguno con la gente. Ahora Trueno se deja acariciar, le encantan los mimos que le hacemos y se pone muy contento cuando le prestas atención y lo sacas a pasear a correa.
Le encanta olisquear en la huerta. No tiene problema con otros perros, ni con machos ni hembras y sale al patio en una manada de seis perros.
Trueno arrived with his sister Tormenta at the shelter. They had grown up on the streets without any contact with people. Now totally changed and Trueno allows himself to be petted, he loves the cuddles we give him and he is very happy when you pay attention to him and take him for a walk on a leash.
He loves to sniff in the garden. He has no problem with other dogs, neither male nor female, and he goes out to the yard in a pack of six dogs.
Le encanta olisquear en la huerta. No tiene problema con otros perros, ni con machos ni hembras y sale al patio en una manada de seis perros.
Trueno arrived with his sister Tormenta at the shelter. They had grown up on the streets without any contact with people. Now totally changed and Trueno allows himself to be petted, he loves the cuddles we give him and he is very happy when you pay attention to him and take him for a walk on a leash.
He loves to sniff in the garden. He has no problem with other dogs, neither male nor female, and he goes out to the yard in a pack of six dogs.
Vacunado y desparasitado Vaccinated and dewormedPara adopción:
Se entregan con contrato de adopción y seguimiento.