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Adoption of: MOZART

Adopted! on 23-7-2021 by en Alemania
  • Name MOZART
  • Type Dog
  • Since 26-11-2020
  • Sex Male 
  • Age 9 years and 4 months 
  • Date of birth 11/2014 
  • Breed Podenco 
  • Size Big 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3031 


Mozart aunque es un perro adulto es como si fuera un niño. Le encanta que le acaricien mientras que le dicen cosas bonitas. Cuando se tumba y te acercas, te levanta la pata para que vayas a acariciarlo. Es todo un amor. Es tranquilo en casa. Cuando coges la correa para ir a pasear,él estará siempre el primero. Le encanta pasear, correr y montar en el coche. Cuando pasea no tira y si ve a otros perros llora porque quiere saludarlos. Es muy sociable. No es apto con gatos.

Mozart, although he is an adult dog, is as if he were a child. He loves being caressed while being told nice things. When he lies down and you come closer, he raises his paw for you to go and pet him. It is all a love. He is quiet at home. When you take the leash to go for a walk, he will always be first. He loves to walk, run and ride in the car. When he walks he does not shoot and if he sees other dogs he cries because he wants to greet them. He is very sociable. He is not suitable with cats.


POSITIVO A LEISHMANIA. Con un nivel bajo de anticuerpos y una analítica y proteinograma perfectos 

Contact via MOZART

Contact request for MOZART

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