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Adoption of: YOJIMBO

Adopted! on 25-11-2021 by en Escocia
  • Name YOJIMBO
  • Type Dog
  • Since 10-6-2021
  • Sex Male 
  • Age 10 years and 10 months 
  • Date of birth 6/2013 
  • Breed Boxer 
  • Size Big 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3045 


Yojimbo es la hermano de Anima. Llegaron juntos al centro, fueron decomisados junto a Lucil y Magin, comparte jaula con su hermana . Tiene el tipico caracter de boxer, muy alegre y jugueton. Le encanta correr y jugar junto a su hermana tanto en la jaula como al salir al patio. Yojimbo es algo dominante con la comida, pero nada serio, simplemente no le gusta que nadie se acerque a su cuenco mientras el esta comiendo. Aun así solo lo hemos visto gruñir un poco y nunca ha hecho malos gestos ni nada realmente serio.

Yojimbo is Anima's brother. They arrived at the centre together, they were confiscated along with Lucil and Magin, she shares a cage with her sister. He has the typical boxer character, very cheerful and playful. He loves to run and play with his sister both in the cage and when going out to the yard. Yojimbo is somewhat overbearing with food, but nothing serious, he just doesn't like anyone approaching his bowl while he's eating. Yet we have only seen him grunt a little and he has never made any bad gestures or anything really serious.


Vacunado, desparasitado. Todos los perros salen esterilizados.  

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