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Adoption of: KOTONA

Adopted! on 15-10-2021 by en Alemania
  • Name KOTONA
  • Type Dog
  • Since 20-8-2021
  • Sex Female 
  • Age 3 years and 8 months 
  • Date of birth 7/2020 
  • Breed mestizo pastor australiano 
  • Size Big 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3057 


Kotona es la mamá de Koton. Fue dificil de coger y tuvimos que utilizar calmantes al igual que con su hijo, ya que estaba suelta en una finca y no se acercaba a nadie por miedo. Al principio ni siquiera queria andar con la correa, ahora que ya nos conoce su caracter mejora dia a dia. Es una perrita muy muy cariñosa y sumisa; se pone panza arriba en cuanto te acercas a acariciarla. Es de caracter muy tranquilo y apta con machos y hembras.

Kotona is Koton's mom. She was difficult to catch and we had to use painkillers as with her son, since she was loose on a farm and she did not approach anyone out of fear. At first she did not even want to walk on the leash, now that she already knows us, her character improves every day. She is a very very affectionate and submissive dog; she goes belly up as soon as you approach to caress her. She is of a very calm character and suitable with males and females.


Vacunado, desparasitado. Todos los perros salen esterilizados.  

Contact via KOTONA

Contact request for KOTONA

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