Adopción de GILDA
¡Adoptado! el
9-3-2022 por
En Alicante-
- Nombre GILDA
- Clase Perro
- Desde 2-9-2021
- Sexo Hembra
- Edad 4 años y 6 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 3/2020
- Raza Mestiza de Galgo
- Tamaño Mediano
- Localidad Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3122
Cuando entró al albergue tenia mucho miedo. Ahora esta mas tranquila en su jaula, y empieza a confiar en las personas. Le encanta los paseos a correa y estar con los demás perros, quiere jugar con todos. Se lleva bien con hembras y machos. Es una perrita muy buena.
When She entered the shelter She was very scared. She is now calmer in her cage, and she begins to trust people. She loves her walks and being with the other dogs, she wants to play with everyone. She gets along well with females and males. She is a very good dog.
When She entered the shelter She was very scared. She is now calmer in her cage, and she begins to trust people. She loves her walks and being with the other dogs, she wants to play with everyone. She gets along well with females and males. She is a very good dog.
Vacunado y desparasitado. Todos los perros salen castrados.- Anexos