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information card of PALOMO

in adoption
  • Name PALOMO
  • Type Dog
  • Since 1-4-2022
  • Sex Male 
  • Age 6 years and 2 months 
  • Date of birth 11/2018 
  • Breed Cruce de Mastin 
  • Size Big 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3165 


Ahora con video!

Palomo es un perrito muy energico y cariñoso. Aunque al principio puede ser algo timido enseguida se le pasa. Nunca se separa de Portela su compi de jaula. Entraron juntos al centro, no se muestra nada dominante ni siquiera con la comida. Le encanta que le acaricien y le rasquen las orejas. Enseguida restriega su cabeza contra tu pierna para que sigas.

Palomo is a very energetic and affectionate puppy. Although at first he can be a bit shy, he soon gets over it. He never separates from Portela, her cagemate. They entered the center together, not showing anything overbearing even with food. He loves to be petted and his ears scratched. Then he rubs his head against your leg for you to continue.


Vacunado, desparasitado. Todos los perros adultos salen esterilizados del centro. Vaccinated, dewormed and sterilized. All adult dogs leave the center sterilized.  

Para adopción:


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Contact via PALOMO

Contact request for PALOMO

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