Adoption of: EAST
Adopted! on
15-9-2023 by
en Alemania
- Name EAST
- Type Dog
- Since 2-5-2022
- Sex Male
- Age 3 years and 4 months
- Date of birth 10/2021
- Breed Mestizo / Mixed Breed
- Size Medium-size
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3169
East ha entrado con su hermano West, los encontraron deambulando por la calle. East es un perrito bueno y tranquilo. Pasea bien con la correa y no parece tener ningun problema de dominancia ni con la comida ni con otros perros.
East entered with his brother West, they were found wandering the street. East is a good and quiet little dog. He walks well on a leash and doesn't seem to have any dominance issues with either food or other dogs.
East entered with his brother West, they were found wandering the street. East is a good and quiet little dog. He walks well on a leash and doesn't seem to have any dominance issues with either food or other dogs.