Adoption of: OSO
Adopted! on
7-7-2022 by
-En Orihuela-
- Name OSO
- Type Dog
- Since 5-6-2022
- Sex Male
- Age 2 years and 8 months
- Date of birth 5/2022
- Breed Mestizo / Mixed Breed
- Size Medium-size
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3188
Oso es el mas grande de los tres hermanos, vive junto a ellos en un jalon en el edificio de la entrada ya que es muy pequeño aun para pasar a un pabellon. Son muy buenos, estan creciendo bien y ya han empezado a comer paté solitos.
OSO is the oldest of three brothers, he lives with them in our main building since they are still too small to go to a pavilion. They are very good, they are growing well and they have already started to eat pâté by themselves.
OSO is the oldest of three brothers, he lives with them in our main building since they are still too small to go to a pavilion. They are very good, they are growing well and they have already started to eat pâté by themselves.
Vacunado, desparasitado e identificado con microchip y pasaporte. La esterilización corre a cargo del adoptante, tienen que firmar un compromiso de esterilización.- Anexos