Adoption of: MULÁN
Adopted! on
14-6-2024 by
En Holanda
- Name MULÁN
- Type Dog
- Since 18-11-2022
- Sex Female
- Age 4 years and 2 months
- Date of birth 11/2020
- Breed Mestizo / Mixed Breed
- Size Medium-size
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3284
Mulan y Finca han mejorado muchísimo desde que llegaron, son perritas que necesitan conocerte un poco para sentirse cómodas y seguras, pero una vez que te tienen confianza son súper cariñosas y agradecidas, Mulan sobre todo, se pone muy muy feliz y contenta cuando nos ve llegar por la mañana.
Ahora esta mucho mejor y ya sale bien al patio y es súper cariñosa con las personas que conoce, cuando no conoce sigue mostrándose desconfiada, pero es una perrita muy dulce que solo quiere mimos, y se pone muy muy contenta cuando nos ve llegar al pabellón, ella solo necesita algo más de tiempo
Mulan and Finca have improved a lot since they arrived, they are dogs that need to know you a little to feel comfortable and safe, but once they trust you they are super affectionate and grateful, Mulan above all, she gets very very happy and content when she sees us arrive in the morning.
Now she is much better and she goes out to the yard well and is super affectionate with the people she knows. When she doesn't know she continues to be distrustful, but she is a very sweet dog who only wants to be cuddled, and she is very very happy when she sees us arrive at the pavilion. , she just needs some more time
Ahora esta mucho mejor y ya sale bien al patio y es súper cariñosa con las personas que conoce, cuando no conoce sigue mostrándose desconfiada, pero es una perrita muy dulce que solo quiere mimos, y se pone muy muy contenta cuando nos ve llegar al pabellón, ella solo necesita algo más de tiempo
Mulan and Finca have improved a lot since they arrived, they are dogs that need to know you a little to feel comfortable and safe, but once they trust you they are super affectionate and grateful, Mulan above all, she gets very very happy and content when she sees us arrive in the morning.
Now she is much better and she goes out to the yard well and is super affectionate with the people she knows. When she doesn't know she continues to be distrustful, but she is a very sweet dog who only wants to be cuddled, and she is very very happy when she sees us arrive at the pavilion. , she just needs some more time