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information card of MEDUSA

in adoption
  • Name MEDUSA
  • Type Dog
  • Since 27-7-2022
  • Sex Female 
  • Age 7 years and 4 months 
  • Date of birth 8/2017 
  • Breed Mestiza / Mixed Breed Mastin 
  • Size Big 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3316 


Medusa estuvo deambulando en un huerto cercano a la carretera, unas vecinas antes de darnos el aviso para ir a por ella, llevaban ya semanas dándole comida y agua para poder hacerse con ella, ya que es bastante desconfiada.
Cuando se recogió estaba embarazada, pero fue llevada a benican de urgencias ya que tenia fetos ya fallecidos y se le estaban pudriendo dentro.
Tras operarla, quedó muy débil y estuvo en una de las habitaciones de prequirófano con cuidados necesarios durante su post operatorio y curas de úlceras de estar postrada… ya que llego en super mal estado que casi ni se mantenía en pie.
Tras su recuperación la llevamos al Sol de C, al principio era muy desconfiada, ya que parece ser que no ha tenido mucho contacto humano, pero con el tiempo mejoró mucho con nosotros y cuando nos veia se acercaba para que le acariciasemos.
Ha mejorado muchisimo desde que entró, los voluntarios a veces la sacan a correa y se porta muy bien, solo necesita conocerte un poco más.
Es apta con machos la probamos con mufasa y antoine, con hembras seguramente también, es muy sumisa y no discute por nada
Además, en la jaula es una perrita muy tranquila y limpia, le encanta tumbarse en su mantita gordita.

Medusa was wandering in an orchard near the road, some neighbours before giving us the notice to go for her, they had been giving her food and water for weeks to be able to get hold of her, since she is quite distrustful.
When she was picked up she was pregnant, but she was taken to the emergency room because she had already deceased fetuses and they were rotting inside her.
After operating on her, she was left very weak and was in one of the pre-surgery rooms with the necessary care during her post-operative period and cures for ulcers from being bedridden... since she arrived in super poor condition that she could barely stand up.
After her recovery we took her to her own cage, at first she was very distrustful, since it seems that she has not had much human contact, but over time she improved a lot with us and when she saw us she would come over so that we will caress him
She has improved a lot since she came in, the volunteers sometimes take her out on a leash and she is very well behaved, she just needs to get to know you a little more.
She is suitable with males we tested her with Mufasa and Antoine, with females surely too, she is very submissive and does not argue for anything
Also, in the cage she is a very calm and clean dog, she loves to lie on her big blanket.


Vacunada, desparasitada y esterilizada Vaccinated, dewormed and sterilized 

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