Adopción de MARGARITA
¡Adoptado! el
13-5-2023 por
- Clase Perro
- Desde 23-3-2023
- Sexo Hembra
- Edad 15 años y 10 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 3/2009
- Raza Mestiza / Mixed Breed
- Tamaño Pequeño
- Localidad Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3328
Margarita: es una viejita que está casi totalmente ciega, se lleva bien con cualquier perro o persona es un amorcito. Tiene múltiples tumores pero hemos decidido no operarla por su edad.
Margarita is an old lady who is almost totally blind, she gets along well with any dog or person, she is a sweetie. She has multiple tumours but we have decided not to operate on her due to her age.
Margarita is an old lady who is almost totally blind, she gets along well with any dog or person, she is a sweetie. She has multiple tumours but we have decided not to operate on her due to her age.