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Adoption of: NARNIA

Adopted! on 7-6-2024 by -En Orihuela-
  • Name NARNIA
  • Type Dog
  • Since 17-3-2023
  • Sex Female 
  • Age 9 years and 5 months 
  • Date of birth 3/2015 
  • Breed Pastor Aleman 
  • Size Big 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3339 


Narnia llego al centro tras haber sufrido un atropello, por suerte no tuvo ninguna herida grave,se recuperó muy rápido. Traía una cadena al cuello, sospechamos que ha vivido atada.
Al principio es un poco desconfiada pero en cuanto te ve un par de veces, es un amor.
Siempre esta buscando caricias y atención.
Es apta con machos y hembras.
Actualmente comparte con Titani, se llevan muy bien y no discuten por nada, ni por la comida.
Es una perra energica a pesar de su edad. Pasea muy bien a correa.

Narnia arrived at the center after being run over, luckily he did not have any serious injuries, he recovered very quickly. She had a chain around her neck, we suspect that she has lived tied up.
At first she is a bit suspicious but as soon as she sees you a couple of times, she is a sweetheart.
She is always looking for caresses and attention.
She is good with males and females.
She currently shares with Titani, they get along very well and don't argue over anything, not even over food.
She is an energetic dog despite her age. She walks very well on a lead.


leishmania negativo Vacunada y desparasitada. Todos los perros adultos salen esterilizados del centro. Vaccinated and dewormed All adult dogs leave the center sterilized.  

Contact via NARNIA

Contact request for NARNIA

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