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Adoption of: MACARRÓN

Adopted! on 5-4-2024 by -En Orihuela-
  • Type Dog
  • Since 17-4-2023
  • Sex Male 
  • Age 11 years and 9 months 
  • Date of birth 4/2013 
  • Breed Pointer 
  • Size Medium-size 
  • City Orihuela  (Alicante)
  • ID 3344 


Macarron llegó al centro tras el aviso de un vecino de montepinar.
Entro en un estado lamentable, raquítico y con leishmania muy avanzada, a pesar de su estado, tiene muchas ganas de vivir.
Le encanta salir a pasear con los voluntarios y que le den cariño, es muy muy tranquilo y pasea muy bien.
Es apto con machos y hembras. Es un amor de perrito.

Macarron arrived at the centre after being reported by a resident of Montepinar.
He entered in a lamentable state, stunted and with very advanced leishmania, despite his state, he really wants to live!
He loves to go for walks with the volunteers and they give him lots of love, he is very very calm and walks very well.
He gets on with males and females. He's an adorable dog.

Contact via MACARRÓN

Contact request for MACARRÓN

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