information card of Reina
in adoption- Name Reina
- Type Dog
- Since 12-7-2023
- Sex Female
- Age 7 years and 3 months
- Date of birth 7/2017
- Breed Mestiza
- Size Medium-size
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3398
Reina llegó al centro muy malita por parvovirus, pero lo ha superado y ha salido fortalecida, es una perra cariñosa y con ganas de juego, pasea muy bien.
Reina arrived at the center very sick due to parvovirus, but she has overcome it and has come out stronger, she is an affectionate dog and eager to play, she walks very well.
Reina arrived at the center very sick due to parvovirus, but she has overcome it and has come out stronger, she is an affectionate dog and eager to play, she walks very well.
desparasitada y vacunada Todos los perros adultos salen esterilizados del centro. dewormed and vaccinated All adult dogs leave the center sterilized.Para adopción:
Se entregan con contrato de adopción y seguimiento.