Ficha de Maria
en adopción- Nombre Maria
- Clase Perro
- Desde 19-6-2023
- Sexo Hembra
- Edad 9 años y 7 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 6/2015
- Raza Pastor Alemán
- Tamaño Grande
- Localidad Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3401
Maria apareció vagando junto a galleta en un campo y tras varios intentos de los vecinos consiguieron cogerlas, es desconfiada y territorial pero cuando sale al paseo se vuelve tranquila y amorosa, debido a su pasado necesita alguien con experiencia en perros rescatados y con paciencia para demostrarle el cariño y los cuidados que merece cualquier animal.
Maria appeared wandering with Galleta in a field and after several attempts by the neighbors they managed to catch them. She is distrustful and territorial but when she goes out for a walk she becomes calm and loving. Due to her past, she needs someone with experience in rescued dogs and patience to show her. the love and care that any animal deserves.
Maria appeared wandering with Galleta in a field and after several attempts by the neighbors they managed to catch them. She is distrustful and territorial but when she goes out for a walk she becomes calm and loving. Due to her past, she needs someone with experience in rescued dogs and patience to show her. the love and care that any animal deserves.
desparasitada Todos los perros adultos salen esterilizados del centro. dewormed All adult dogs leave the center sterilized.Para adopción:
Se entregan con contrato de adopción y seguimiento.