Adoption of: MALENA
Adopted! on
27-10-2023 by
En Holanda
- Type Dog
- Since 10-8-2023
- Sex Female
- Age 6 years and 3 months
- Date of birth 10/2018
- Breed Mestiza / Mixed Breed
- Size Small
- City Orihuela (Alicante)
- ID 3416
Malena entro con sus 3 cachorros (TODOS ADOPTADOS), es perfecta para una familia con niños con muchas ganas de mimos pero sin necesidad de mucha actividad física.
Malena came in with her 3 puppies (NOW ALL ADOPTED), it is perfect for a family with children who really want to be pampered but without needing much physical activity.
Malena came in with her 3 puppies (NOW ALL ADOPTED), it is perfect for a family with children who really want to be pampered but without needing much physical activity.
vacunada y desparasitada Todos los perros adultos salen esterilizados del centro.- Anexos